Download Resource
Deandre Salter International produces a variety of resources designed to empower people to achieve their goals. These free downloads are biblically centered and designed to help you pivot toward success.

A weekly podcast providing inspiration and advice on transforming your obstacles into opportunities is being developed and will be available soon. No matter what life challenge you are facing, De’Andre Salter will help you discover and live out your God-given pathway.

The Wealth Track
The Wealth Track is an online e-course that guides you to develop a financial plan. You will experience transformation as you take control of your financial behaviors, walk in a new mindset, cut costs, get out of debt, increase your earning potential, invest, and create a lasting legacy.
I listened to De’Andre Salter and then wrote out a plan. It got off track many times along the way, but I chose to stay the course. Fast forward from hearing Bishop Salter April 2020 and applying some of that “faith that comes by doing,” I saw tangible results by December 2021!
Birmingham, AL
I can’t wait to read the newsletters. It’s my favorite way to get motivated to take action on my success plan.
Monet Goode
I met De’Andre over 20 years ago when I was hired to create a new department within a multibillion-dollar company. Due to his tremendous work ethic, he quickly became one of my most valued customers and top producers. Ultimately I became the company president, much of which I can trace directly to De’Andre’s mentoring, support, and invaluable guidance.
Greg Buonocore (CEO – Parlay Capital Holdings)
Delray Beach, FL
De’Andre Salter had not only encouraged and positively contributed to our organization, but his vision, experience. and undaunted integrity had helped shape and formulate our vision with invaluable perspective and insight. Rarely is there one who is so firmly grounded and planted at the crossroad of the often conflicting cultures of marketplace and ministry. De’Andre Salter is one such gift to both arenas.
Bishop Kenneth Ulmer (Presiding Bishop – Macedonia International Bible Fellowship)
Los Angeles, CA
As one who has always been fascinated with opportunities for financial growth, in recent history I found it challenging to scale existing revenue streams while remaining primarily focused on pastoral ministry. De’Andre Salter’s wealth-building insights and strategies not only helped to reframe my thinking about the possibilities but aided in maximizing returns and minimizing inefficient and misaligned activity. He is a true gift to our generation and his contribution will impact generations to come.