Who is De’Andre Salter
At just 21 years old, De’Andre found himself bankrupt and struggling to make ends meet. He had been living beyond his means—trying to impress others with a lifestyle he couldn’t afford—and reality caught up with him in a painful way. But by the mercy and grace of God he learned how to turn his situation around. In 12 short years, by the age of 33, he became a successful leader and millionaire!
Today, as America’s Number One Christian Success Strategist, De’Andre wants to inspire and equip people, just like you, to transform obstacles into opportunities.

De’Andre is the Senior Pastor at Impact Church Worldwide. He is consecrated in the Joint College of African American Pentecostal Bishops and Macedonia International Bible Fellowship, where he oversees the administration of churches around the globe.
De’Andre sits on many corporate and nonprofit boards and holds degrees from Drew University, The King’s Seminary, and graduate certificates from Oxford and Harvard. He is happily married to Terri Jones Salter, and they have four children together.